Threat List

Time IP Path Type of Attack
9:54:43 PM Colombia /cunctatio SQL Injection
3:40:07 PM China /cras SQL Injection
5:29:54 PM Pakistan /centum XSS


IP Country Bolivia Liechtenstein Yemen

Try our live demo  

Over 30,000 websites get hacked daily. Will yours be next?

Defendix is a web application firewall that shields your site and ensure robust protection before the worst happens.

Works out-of-the box with the following technologies:

Protect your site from major threats

Stop threats like malware and hackers with our WAF before they reach your site.

SQL Injections
XSS Attacks
Remote Code Executions
Local File Inclusions
Remote File Inclusions
Command Injections
Bruteforce Attacks
Malicious Bots
Scraping Bots

How it works

We have integrations for Express, Ruby on Rails and Django.

const express = require('express');
const defendix = require('defendix');

const app = express();
app.use(defendix); // Use the firewall on your whole app

// Or enable it to a single route
app.get('/secure', defendix, (req, res) => {
    res.send('This is my secure page');

// Or finally, you can enable it for a module as well
app.use('/admin', defendix, require('./admin'));


We don’t read sensitive fields, like passwords.

Our app agents are open-source, allowing you to review the code yourself and verify our commitment to your privacy.

Check our GitHub


Stop threats like malware and hackers with our WAF before they reach your site.

$49 per month

1 site, unlimited subdomains.

Start 7-day free trial

  •   Unlimited requests
  •   Unlimited protection
  •   7/7 live support
  •   99.99% uptime
  •   Global servers
  •   Cancel anytime

Frequently Asked Questions

Stop threats like malware and hackers with our WAF before they reach your site.

What is a WAF? A Web Application Firewall (WAF) blocks malicious traffic such as SQL injections and XSS attacks before it reaches your site.

Will it work on my site? Absolutely! Defendix integrates seamlessly with all popular platforms. For custom setups, our API is ready to assist.

How much does it cost? It’s $49 per month per site, with unlimited requests.

Are there any extra fees for high traffic? No additional charges—your price stays the same regardless of traffic volume.

How hard is it to set up? Setup is straightforward—install our agent, and you're protected. For detailed steps, check our integration guide.

Can I try it for free? Yes, enjoy a fully featured 7-day free trial to experience Defendix in action.

Get started in minutes

Follow these simple steps to protect your application effortlessly.

Download our agent

Select and download the microagent for your framework: Express, Rails, or Django.

Integrate the agent

Follow our quick setup guide to integrate it into your app.

Your app is protected!

Enjoy immediate protection and manage settings through our dashboard.

Ready to protect your website?

Experience top-notch protection with a quick and easy setup.